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M. Serdar Karaman
Aviyonik sektörü, hava taşıtlarının elektronik sistemlerinin tasarımı, üretimi ve bakımı ile ilgili bir alandır. Bu sektörde, karmaşık sistemlerin ve işlemlerin anlaşılmasını kolaylaştırmak amacıyla çeşitli kısaltmalar yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Bu kısaltmalar, sektör profesyonelleri arasında hızlı ve etkili iletişim sağlamak için büyük önem taşır. Ancak, sektöre yeni başlayanlar veya dışarıdan bakanlar için bu kısaltmalar, anlaşılması güç bir dil gibi görünebilir. Bu nedenle, aviyonik terimlerini ve kısaltmalarını detaylı bir şekilde açıklamak, bu karmaşık alanın daha iyi anlaşılmasına yardımcı olacaktır.
Bu amaçla hazırlanan liste, okuyucuların aviyonik sektöründeki temel kavramları ve teknik dili anlamalarına yardımcı olmak için tasarlanmıştır. Aradığınız kısaltmayı bulamadıysanız ya da açıklamadan emin değilseniz bizimle iletişime geçmekten çekinmeyiniz.
İşte aviyonik sektöründe sıkça karşılaşılan bazı önemli kısaltmalar ve terimlerin açıklamaları:
Bu amaçla hazırlanan liste, okuyucuların aviyonik sektöründeki temel kavramları ve teknik dili anlamalarına yardımcı olmak için tasarlanmıştır. Aradığınız kısaltmayı bulamadıysanız ya da açıklamadan emin değilseniz bizimle iletişime geçmekten çekinmeyiniz.
İşte aviyonik sektöründe sıkça karşılaşılan bazı önemli kısaltmalar ve terimlerin açıklamaları:
A/A | Air-to-Air |
A/C | Aircraft |
A/D | Analog To Digital |
A/G | Air-to-Ground |
A/P | Autopilot |
A429 | ARINC 429 |
ABAS | Aircraft-Based Augmentation System |
ABROAD | ADS Broadcast |
AC | Advisory Circular (FAA) |
ACARS | Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System |
ACAS | Airborne Collision Avoidance System |
ACC | Area Control Center |
ACE | Actuator Control Electronics |
ACMS | Aircraft Condition Monitoring System |
ACO | Aircraft Certification Office (FAA) (Reorganized as Certification Branches as of 2023) |
ACP | Audio Control Panel |
ACS | Audio Control System |
AD | Airworthiness Directive |
ADAHRS | Air Data and Attitude Heading Reference System |
ADC | Air Data Computer, or Analog-To-Digital Converter |
ADC | Analog-to-Digital Converter |
ADF | Automatic Direction Finder |
ADI | Attitude Director Indicator |
ADIRS | Air Data Inertial Reference System |
ADIRU | Air Data Inertial Reference Unit |
ADM | Air Data Module |
ADR | Airborne Data Reception |
ADS | Automatic Dependent Surveillance |
ADS-A | Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Address |
ADS-B | Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast |
ADS-C | Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract |
ADSB | Alternating Double Sideband |
AEH | Airborne Electronic Hardware |
AESA | Active Electronically Scanned Array |
AFCS | Automatic Flight Control System |
AFD | Autopilot Flight Director |
AFDC | Autopilot Flight Director Computer |
AFDS | Autopilot Flight Director System |
AFDX | Avionics Full-Duplex Switched Ethernet |
AGACS | Automatic Ground-Air Communication System |
AGC | Automatic Gain Control |
AGDL | Air-Ground Data Link |
AHC | Attitude Heading Control |
AHRS | Attitude Heading Reference System |
AI | Action Item |
AIDS | Aircraft Integrated Data |
AIM | Aeronautical Information Manual |
AIP | Aeronautical Information Publication |
AIR | Aerospace Information Report |
AIS | Airmen’s Information System |
AL | Assurance Level |
ALT | Altitude |
ALU | Arithmetic Logic Unit |
AM | Amplitude Modulation |
AMC | Acceptable Means of Compliance, or Alternative Means of Compliance |
AMS | Air Management System |
ANC | Active Noise Cancellation |
ANN | Annunciator |
ANR | Active Noise Reduction |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute |
ANT | Antenna |
AOC | Aeronautical Operational Control |
AOP | Airport Operating Plan |
AOPA | Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association |
APARS | Automatic Pressure Altitude Reporting System |
APS | Auto Pilot System |
APU | Auxiliary Power Unit |
APV | Approach with Vertical Guidance |
ARINC | Aeronautical Radio, Incorporated |
ARM | Advanced RISC Machine |
ARP | Aerospace Recommended Practice (via Society of Automotive & Aerospace Engineers) |
ARW | Airborne Rotary Winged |
ASA | Aircraft Safety Assessment |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information |
ASD | Aircraft Situation Display |
ASDL | Aeronautical Satellite Data Link |
ASIC | Application Specific Integrated Circuit |
ASR | Airport Surveillance Radar |
ASSP | Application Specific Standard Product |
ASTERIX | All Purpose Structured Eurocontrol Surveillance Information Exchange |
ASU | Avionics Switching Unit |
AT | Auto Throttle |
ATC | Amended Type Certificate |
ATC | Air Traffic Control |
ATCRBS | Air Traffic Control Radar Beacon System |
ATCSS | Air Traffic Control Signaling System |
ATCT | Airport Traffic Control Tower |
ATE | Automatic Test Equipment |
ATIS | Automated Terminal Information Service |
ATM | Air Traffic Management |
ATP | Acceptance Test Procedure |
ATS | Air Traffic Service |
ATSAW | Airborne Traffic Situational Awareness |
ATSU | Air Traffic Services Unit |
ATT | Attitude |
Avionics | Aviation Electronics |
AVN | Office of Aviation System Standards |
AWACS | Advanced Warning and Control Systems |
AWOS | Automated Weather Observation System |
B-RNAV | Basic Area Navigation |
BARO | Barometric Indication, Setting or Pressure |
BC | Bus Controller |
BCD | Binary Coded Decimal |
BDI | Bearing Distance Indicator |
BFO | Beat Frequency Oscillator |
BGAN | Broadcast Global Area Network |
BIT | Built-In Test |
BITE | Built-In Test Equipment |
BNR | Binary |
BOM | Bill of Materials |
BRAM | Block RAM |
CA | Criticality Analysis |
CAA | Civil Aeronautics Administration |
CAS | Calibrated Airspeed |
CAST | Certification Authorities Software Team |
CAT | Catastrophic (when referring to a “Safety” aspect; otherwise may refer to “Category”) |
CAT I | Operational Performance Category 1 |
CAT II | Operational Performance Category II |
CAT IIIa | Operational Performance Category IIIa |
CAT IIIb | Operational Performance Category IIIb |
CAT IIIc | Operational Performance Category IIIc |
CBIT | Continuous Built-In Test |
CC | Change Control or Control Category |
CC1 | Control Category 1 |
CC2 | Control Category 2 |
CCA | Common Cause Analysis or Circuit Card Assembly |
CCB | Change Control Board |
CDA | Continuous Descent Approach |
CDI | Course Deviation Indicator |
CDR | Critical Design Review |
CDR | System Critical Design Review |
CDRL | Contract Data Requirements List |
CDTI | Common Cause Analysis, or Circuit Card Assembly |
CDU | Control Display Unit |
CEH | Complex Electronic Hardware |
CFIT | Controlled Flight Into Terrain |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations |
CI | Configuration Item |
CID | Configuration Index Document |
CIDS | Cabin Intercommunication Data System |
CII | Configuration Item Index |
CM | Configuration Management |
CMA | Common Mode Analysis |
CME | Configuration Management Engineer |
CMOS | Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor |
CMP | Configuration Management Plan |
CMR | Certification Maintenance Requirement |
CMS | Configuration Management Specialist |
CNS | Communication, Navigation, Surveillance |
CoC | Certificate of Conformity |
CODEC | Coder/Decoder |
COM | Communication |
COMM | Communications Receiver |
COTS | Commercial Off-The-Shelf |
COTS | Commercial Off the Shelf |
CPDLC | Controller |
CPS | Cycles Per Second |
CPU | Central Processing Unit |
CR | Change Request |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check, or Cyclic Redundancy Code |
CRI | Certification Review Item |
CRT | Cathode Ray Tube |
CS | Certification Specification |
CSCI | Computer Software Configuration Item |
CSV | Comma Separated Values |
CTAF | Common Traffic Advisory Frequency |
CV/DFDR | Cockpit Voice And Digital Flight Data Recorder |
CVE | Certification Verification Engineer |
CVR | Cockpit Voice Recorder |
CW | Continuous Wave |
CWS | Control Wheel Steering |
DA | Decision Altitude |
DA | Drift Angle |
DAC | Digital-to-Analog Converter |
DAC | Digital to Analog Conversion |
DAL | Design Assurance Level |
DAL | Development Assurance Level |
DAPs | Downlink Of Aircraft Parameters |
DAR | Designated Airworthiness Representative |
DB | Database |
DC | Direct Current, or Decision Coverage |
DC | Direct Current |
DCDU | Data Link Control And Display Unit |
DCN | Document Change Notice |
DCP | Display Control Panel |
DD | Dependence Diagram |
DD | Digital Design |
DDC | Digital Down Conversion |
DDM | Difference in the Depth of Modulation |
DDM | Difference in Depth of Modulation |
DDP | Declaration of Design and Performance |
DDR | Double Data Rate |
DDS | Display Docking Station |
DER | Designated Engineering Representative |
DFMC | Dual Frequency Multiple Constellation |
DG | Directional Gyroscope |
DGPS | Differential Global Positioning System |
DH | Decision Height |
DIO | Discrete Input/Output |
DISC | Discrete |
DITS | Digital Information Transfer System |
DL | Data Link |
DLR | Data Link Recorder |
DME | Distance Measuring Equipment |
DMIR | Designated Manufacturing Inspection Representative |
DNC | Direct Noise Canceling |
DO | RTCA Document (“Document Order”) |
DOD | Department Of Defense |
DOID | Design Organisation Interface Document |
DP | Departure Procedures |
DRAM | Dynamic Random Access Memory |
DRFS | Direct RF Sampling |
DSP | Digital Signal Processor |
DUAT | Direct User Access Terminal |
DVE | Degraded Visual Environment |
DVOR | Doppler VHF Omnidirectional Range |
DWG | Drawing |
EADI | Electronic Attitude Director Indicator |
EASA | European Aviation Safety Agency |
EATP | Equipment Acceptance Test Procedure |
EATR | Equipment Acceptance Test Report |
ECN | Engineering Change Notice |
ECU | Engine Control Unit (=EEC) |
EDD | Equipment Design Description |
EDL | Equipment Development Laboratory |
EEC | Electronic Engine Control |
EEPROM | Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory |
EFB | Electronic Flight Bag |
EFD | Electronic Flight Display |
EFIS | Electronic Flight Information System |
EFIS | Electronic Flight Instrument System |
EGPWS | Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System |
EGT | Exhaust Gas Temperature |
EHS | Enhanced Surveillance |
EHSI | Electronic Horizontal Situation Indicator |
EIA | Electronics Industry Association |
EICAS | Engine Indicating And Crew Alerting System |
EIRD | Equipment Installation Requirement Document |
EIRP | Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power |
ELT | Emergency Locator Transmitter |
EMC | Electromagnetic Compatibility |
EMCON | Emission Control |
EMI | Electromagnetic Interference |
EMS | Emergency Medical Service |
ENC | Electronic Noise Canceling |
ENG | Engine |
ENR | Electronic Noise Reduction |
EOC | Executable Object Code |
EPR | Engine Pressure Ratio |
EPROM | Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory |
ESD | Electrostatic Discharge |
ETOP(S) | Extended-Range Twin-Engine Operation(S) |
ETSO | European Technical Standard Order |
EUROCAE | European Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment |
EUT | Equipment Under Test |
eVTOL | Electric Vertical Take-Off & Landing |
EVTP | Equipment Verification Test Procedure |
EVTR | Equipment Verification Test Report |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration |
FADEC | Full Authority Digital Engine Control |
FAI | First Article Inspection |
FANS | Future Air Navigation System |
FAR | Federal Aviation Regulation |
FAS | Final Approach Segment |
FBW | Fly-By-Wire |
FC | Failure Condition |
FCC | Failure Condition Classification |
FCC | Flight Control Computer |
FCR | Final Certification Review |
FCS | Flight Control System |
FD | Flight Director |
FDAL | Function Development Assurance Level |
FDE | Fault Detection And Exclusion |
FDPS | Flight Plan Data Processing System |
FDR | Flight Data Recorder |
FDRS | Flight Data Recorder System |
FDU | Flux Detector Unit |
FE | Front-End |
FF | Fuel Flow |
FFR | First Flight Review |
FFS | Functional Failure Set |
FG | Flight Guidance |
FHA | Functional Hazard Assessment |
FHA | Functional Hazard Analysis |
FIC | Flight Information Centre |
FIFO | First In, First Out |
FIS | Flight Information Service |
FIS-B | Flight Information Services |
FL | Flight Level |
FLIR | Forward-Looking Infra-Red |
FLTA | Forward Looking Terrain Awareness |
FM | Formal Methods |
FM | Frequency Modulation |
FMA | Flight Mode Annunciator |
FMEA | Failure Mode & Effects Analysis |
FMECA | Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality Analysis |
FMES | Failure Modes and Effects Summary |
FMGS | Flight Management & Guidance System |
FMS | Flight Management System |
FOB | Fuel On-Board |
FPA | Front Panel Assembly |
FPE | Floating Point Emulation |
FPGA | Field Programmable Gate Array |
FPU | Floating Point Unit |
FPU | Floating-Point Unit |
FRACAS | Failure Reporting and Corrective Action System |
FREQ | Frequency |
FRS | Firmware Requirements Specification |
FSS | Flight Service Station |
FT | Functional Test |
FTA | Fault Tree Analysis |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol |
FTP | Firmware Test Procedure |
FW | Failure Warning |
FW | Firmware |
FWS | Flight Warning System |
FYDS | Flight Director/ Yaw Damper System |
G/A | Ground-to-Air |
G/S | Glide Slope |
GA | General Aviation |
GA | Go Around |
GAST | GBAS Approach Service Type |
GB | Gigabyte |
GBAS | Ground Based Augmentation System |
GCAS | Ground Collision Avoidance System |
GCU | Generator Control Unit |
GDOP | Geometric Dilution Of Precision |
GGS | Global Positioning System Ground Station |
GHz | Gigahertz |
GLNS | GPS Landing And Navigation System |
GLNU | GPS Landing And Navigation Unit |
GLONASS | Global Navigation Satellite System |
GLS | GNSS Landing System |
GLU | GPS Landing Unit |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time |
GND | Ground |
GNSS | Global Navigation Satellite System |
GO | Go Around |
GPIO | General Purpose Input/Output |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
GPWC | Ground Proximity Warning Computer |
GPWS | Ground Proximity Warning System |
GS | Glideslope |
GS | Ground Speed or Ground Station |
HAS | Hardware Accomplishment Summary |
HAZ | Hazard or Hazardous |
HBLP | Hardware Build and Load Control Procedure |
HCDD | Hardware Conceptual Design Data |
HCI | Hardware Configuration Index |
HCM | Hardware Configuration Management |
HCMP | Hardware Configuration Management Plan |
HDDD | Hardware Detailed Design Data |
HDG | Heading |
HDG | SEL Heading Select |
HDL | Hardware Design Language |
HDL | Hardware Description Language |
HDOP | Horizontal Dilution Of Precision |
HDP | Hardware Development Plan |
HDP | Hardware Design Plan |
HDStd | Hardware Design Standards |
HF | High Frequency |
HHLD | Heading Hold |
HIRF | High Intensity Radiated Field |
HLR | High-Level Requirements |
HMD | Helmet-Mounted Display |
HMI | Human Machine Interface |
HOL | High-Order Language |
HPAP | Hardware Process Assurance Plan |
HPR | High Pressure Rotor |
HRD | Hardware Requirements Document |
HRStd | Hardware Requirements Standards |
HSD | High-Speed Data |
HSI | Horizontal Situation Indicator |
HSL | Heading Select |
HTAWS | Helicopter Terrain Awareness and Warning System |
HTP | Hardware Test Procedure |
HTR | Hardware Test Results |
HUD | Head-Up Display |
HUMS | Health And Usage Monitoring Systems |
HVVP | Hardware Validation & Verification Plan |
HVVStd | Hardware Validation & Verification Standards |
HW | Hardware |
Hz | Hertz |
I | Input |
I/O | Input/Output |
I2S | Inter-IC Sound |
IA | Internal Audit |
IAS | Indicated Airspeed |
IBIT | Initiated Built-In Test |
ICA | Instructions for Continued Airworthiness |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization |
ICD | Interface Control Document |
ICE | In-Circuit Emulator |
ICNI | Integrated Communication, Navigation and Identification System |
ICS | Internal Communication System |
ID | Identify, Identification or Identifier |
IDAL | Item Development Assurance Level |
IDD | Interface Design Description |
IDE | Integrated Development Environment |
IDENT | Identify, Identifier, or Identification |
IDS | Information Display System, or Integrated Display System |
IFE | In-Flight Entertainment |
IFF | Identification Friend Or Foe |
IFICS | Integrated Flight Instrument And Control System |
IFR | Instrument Flight Rules |
IHA | Intrinsic Hazard Analysis |
ILS | Instrument Landing System |
ILS | Integrated Logistics Support |
ILSP | Integrated Logistics Support Plan |
IMA | Integrated Modular Avionics |
IMC | Instrument Meteorological Conditions |
IND | Indicator |
INS | Inertial Navigation System |
IOC | Initial Operational Capability |
IP | Internet Protocol |
IP | Intellectual Property |
IPV | Instrument Procedure With Vertical Guidance (Renamed to APV) |
IQ | In-phase/Quadrature |
IRS | Inertial Reference System, or Interface Requirements Specification |
ISA | International Standard Atmosphere |
ISIS | Integrated Standby Instrument System |
ISO | International Organization for Standardization |
ISP | Integrated Switching Panel |
ISR | Interrupt Service Routine |
IT | Information Technologies |
ITT | Interstage Turbine Temperature |
ITU | International Telecommunication Union |
IVSI | Instantaneous Vertical Speed Indicator |
JAA | Joint Aviation Authorities |
JASC | Joint Aircraft System/Component Code |
JTAG | Joint Test Action Group |
JTIDS | Joint Tactical Information Distribution System |
KB | Kilobyte |
kHz | Kilohertz |
KIAS | Knots Indicated Airspeed |
KT | Knot - Nautical Mile Per Hour |
KTAS | Knots TRUE Airspeed |
LAAS | Local Area Augmentation System |
LADGPS | Local Area Differential GPS |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Display |
LDGPS | Local Area Differential Global Positioning Satellite |
LED | Light-Emitting Diode |
LF | Low Frequency |
LLR | Low-Level Requirements |
LMM | Locator Middle Marker |
LO | Local Oscillator |
LOA | Letter Of Agreement, or Letter Of Authorization |
LOC | Localizer |
LODA | Letter of Design Approval |
LOI | Level of Involvement |
LOM | Locator Outer Marker |
LORAN | Long-Range Navigation |
LPR | Low Pressure Rotor |
LPV | Localizer Performance With Vertical Guidance |
LRM | Line Replaceable Module |
LRU | Line Replaceable Unit |
LSB | Least Significant bit |
LSP | Liskov Substitution Principle |
LTE | Loss Of Tail Rotor Effectiveness Helicopters |
LVDS | Low-Voltage Differential Signaling |
M1553 | MIL-STD-1553 |
MA | Markov Analysis |
MAP | Manifold Absolute Pressure Or Missed Approach Point |
MAPS | Minimum Aviation Performance Standards |
MASPS | Minimum Aviation System Performance Standard |
MB | Marker Beacon |
MB | Megabyte |
MBD | Model-Based Development |
MC/DC | Modified Condition/Decision Coverage |
MCBF | Mean Cycles Between Failures |
MCDU | Multi-Purpose/Multi-Function Control And Display Unit |
MCW | Modulated Continuous Wave |
MDA | Minimum Decent Altitude |
MEL | Minimum Equipment List |
MF | Medium Frequency |
MFD | Multi-Function Display |
MFDS | Multi-Function Display System |
MFR | Manufacturer |
MIC | Microphone |
MIDO | Manufacturing Inspection District Office |
MIDS | Multifunctional Information Distribution System |
MILSPEC | Military Specification |
MilStd | Military Standard |
MIO | Multiplexed I/O |
MKP | Multi-Function Keypad |
MKR | Marker Beacon |
MLS | Microwave Landing System |
MM | Middle Marker |
MMD | Moving Map Display |
MMEL | Master Minimum Equipment List |
MMH | Mean Man-hours |
MMR | Multi-Mode Receiver |
MNPS | Minimum Navigation Performance Specifications |
MntR | Maintainability Report |
MOA | Military Operations Area |
MoC | Means of Compliance |
Mode | A Transponder Pulse-Code Reporting |
Mode | C Transponder Code And Altitude Reporting |
Mode | S Transponder Code, Altitude, And TCAS Reporting |
MOPS | Minimum Operational Performance Standards |
MOPS | Minimum Operational Performance Standard |
MOSArt | Modular Open System Architecture |
MPE | Minimum Processing Environment |
MPS | Minimum Performance Standard |
MRAM | Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory |
MSA | Minimum Safe Altitude |
MSB | Most Significant Bit |
MSG | Message |
MSG-3 | Maintenance Steering Group-3 |
MSP | Modes S-Specific Protocol |
MSSS | Mode S-Specific Services |
MTBF | Mean Time Between Failures |
MTBUR | Mean Time Between Unscheduled Removals |
MTTF | Mean Time To Failure |
MTTR | Mean Time to Repair |
MVA | Minimum Vectoring Altitude |
MVFR | Marginal Visual Flight Rules |
NA | Not Applicable |
NACO | National Aeronautical Charting Office |
NAS | U.S. National Airspace System |
NASA | National Aeronautics And Space Administration |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization |
NAV | Navigation Receiver |
NAV | Navigation |
NAVAID | Navigational Aid |
NAVCOMM | Navigation And Communications Equipment Or Receiver |
NAVSTARGPS | Navigation Satellite Timing And Ranging |
NCATT | National Center For Aircraft Technician Training |
NCD | No Computed Data |
ND | Not Defined |
ND | Navigation Display |
NDB | Non-Directional Beacon |
NFF | No Fault Found |
NFPO | National Flight Procedures Office |
NIMA | National Imagery And Mapping Agency |
NM | or NMI Nautical Mile |
NM | Nautical Mile(s) |
NO | Normal Operation |
NOAA | National Oceanic And Atmospheric Administration |
NoTAM | Notice To Airmen |
NPA | Non-Precision Approach |
NPRM | Notice Of Proposed Rulemaking |
NTAP | Notice To Airmen Publication |
NTSB | National Transportation Safety Board |
NVD | Night Vision Device |
NVG | Night Vision Goggles |
NVRAM | Non-Volatile Random-Access Memory |
NWS | National Weather Service |
O | Output |
OAT | Outside Air Temperature |
OBS | Omnibearing Selector |
OCC | Operations Control Center |
ODA | Organization Designation Authorization |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer |
OM | Outer Marker |
OMP | Obsolescence Management Plan |
OOT | Object-Oriented Technology |
OOTIA | Object Oriented Technology In Aviation |
OPR | Open Problem Report |
OS | Operating System |
OWE/OEW | Operating Weight Empty/Operating Empty Weight |
P | Parity |
P-Code | GPS Precision Code |
P-RNAV | Precision Area Navigation |
PA | Process Assurance |
PA | Public Address System |
PAC | Process Asset Checklist |
PAL | Pilot Activated Lighting |
PAM | Power Amplifier Module |
PAM | Pulse Amplitude Modulation |
PAPI | Precision Approach Path Indicator |
PAR | Precision Approach Radar |
PASA | Preliminary Aircraft Safety Assessment |
PBIT | Power-On BIT |
PBIT | Powerup Built-In-Test |
PBIT | Power-up Built-In Test |
PC | Personal Computer |
PCAP | Processor Configuration Access Port |
PCB | Printed Circuit Board |
PCL | Pilot Controlled Lighting |
PCN | Product Change Notice |
PD | Process Definition |
PD | Profile Descent |
PDI | Parameter Data Item |
PDL | Product Development Leader |
PDOP | Position Dilution Of Precision |
PDR | Preliminary Design Review |
PESA | Passive Electronically Scanned Array |
PFD | Primary Flight Display Or Primary Flight Director |
PFDE | Predicted Fault Detection And Exclusion |
PHAC | Plan For Hardware Aspects Of Certification |
PIDS | Prime Item Development Specification |
PL | Programmable Logic |
PLD | Programmable Logic Device |
PLL | Phase Locked Loop |
PMA | Parts Manufacturing Approval |
PMG | Permanent Magnet Generator |
PMP | Project Management Plan |
PMU | Power Management Unit |
PND | Primary Navigation Display |
PNR | Passive Noise Reduction |
POA | Production Organization Approval |
POF | Phase Of Flight |
POH | Pilot’s Operating Handbook |
POS | Position |
PPS | Pulse Pair Spacing |
PR | Peer Review |
PR | Problem Report (may also be “CR = Change Request”) |
PRA | Pre-Recorded Announcement |
PRA | Particular Risk Analysis |
PRF | Pulse Repetition Frequency |
PS | Processing System |
PSAA | Plan for Software Aspects of Approval |
PSAC | Plan for Software Aspects of Certification |
PSCP | Project Specific Certification Plan |
PSP | Partnership For Safety Plan |
PSR | Primary Surveillance Radar |
PSSA | Preliminary System Safety Assessment |
PSSA | Preliminary Subsystem Safety Assessment |
PSU | Passenger Service Unit |
PTN | Problem Tracking Number |
PTR | Program Trouble Report |
PTS | Purchaser Technical Specification |
PTT | Push-To-Talk |
PU | Processor Unit |
QA | Quality Assurance |
QAR | Quick Access Recorder |
QE | Quality Engineer |
QEC | Quadrantal Error Correction |
QM | Quality Management |
QMP | Quality Management Plan |
QMS | Quality Management System |
QNH | Barometric Pressure Adjusted To Sea Level |
QP | Qualification Plan |
QPL | Qualified Product List |
QRH | Quick Reference Handbook |
QSPI | Quad Serial Peripheral Interface |
QTP | Qualification Test Procedure |
QTR | Qualification Test Report |
R-NAV | Area Navigation |
RA | Resolution Advisory (TCAS) |
Rad | Alt Radio Altitude |
RAI | Radio Altimeter Indicator |
RAIM | Receiver-Autonomous Integrity Monitoring |
RALT | Radar Or Radio Altimeter |
RAM | Random-Access Memory |
RAT | Ram Air Turbine |
RCR | Reverse Current Relay |
RCVR | Receiver |
RDMI | Radio Distance Magnetic Indicator |
RDP | Radar Data Processing System |
RDR | Radar |
RDU | Remote Display Unite |
REC | Receive |
REF | Reference |
REIL | Runway End Identifier Lights |
REL | Relative |
RelR | Reliability Report |
RF | Radio Frequency |
RFCU | Radio Frequency Control Unit |
RFI | Radio Frequency Interference |
RHSM | Reduced Horizontal Separation Minimal |
RISC | Reduced Instruction Set Computer |
RJ | Regional Jet |
RLG | Ring Laser Gyroscope |
RLY | Relay |
RMB | RNE Main Board |
RMI | Radio Magnetic Indicator |
RMP | Risk Management Plan |
RNAV | Area Navigation |
RNG | Range |
RNP | Required Navigation Performance |
ROC | Rate Of Climb |
ROD | Rate Of Descent |
ROM | Read-Only Memory |
ROM | Read Only Memory |
RPA | Remotely Piloted Aircraft (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) |
RPM | Revolutions Per Minute |
RSP | Reversion Switch Panel |
RSS | Root Sum Square |
RT | Remote Terminal |
RTCA | Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics |
RTE | Route |
RTL | Run Time Library |
RTOS | Real-Time Operating System |
RVR | Runway Visual Range |
RVSM | Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum |
RX | Receiver |
SAAR | Special Aircraft And Aircrew Requirements |
SAE | Society Of Automotive Engineers |
SAR | Search And Rescue, Smart ACMS Recorder |
SAS | Software Accomplishment Summary |
SAT | Static Air Temperature |
SATCOM | Satellite Communication |
SATNAV | Satellite Navigation |
SBLI | Software Build and Load Instructions |
SBLP | Software Build and Load Control Procedure |
SC | System Control Category |
SCA | Structural Coverage Analysis |
SCA | Software Coverage Analysis |
SCCB | Software Configuration Control Board |
SCI | Software Configuration Index (or “Item”) |
SCInd | Source Code Indices |
SCM | Software Configuration Management |
SCMP | Software Configuration Management Plan |
SCR | Software Conformity Review |
SCS | Software Coding Standard |
SCStd | Software Code Standards |
SCStd | Software Coding Standards |
SD | Secure Digital |
SDD | System Design Description |
SDD | Software Design Description |
SDDD | Software Design Description Document |
SDF | Simplified Directional Facility |
SDI | Source Destination Identifier |
SDK | Software Development Kit |
SDP | Software Development Plan |
SDR | Software Defined Radio |
SDRAM | Synchronous Dynamic Random-Access Memory |
SDRL | Supplier Deliverables |
SDS | Software Design Standard |
SDStd | Software Design Standards |
SECI | Software lifecycle Environment Configuration Index |
SELCAL | Selective Calling |
SEMP | System Engineering Management Plan |
SES | Supplier Equipment Specification |
SID | Standard Instrument Departure |
SIRD | Software Interface Requirement Document |
SIU | Satellite Interface Unit |
SLA | Software Load Application |
SLECI | Software Lifecycle Environment Configuration Index |
SMA | Sub-Miniature Version A |
SMP | Sub-Miniature Push-on |
SMP | Supplier Management Plan |
SMS | Short Messaging Service |
SNR | Signal-To-Noise Ratio |
SoC | System on a Chip |
SOI | Stage of Involvement |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure |
SOUP | Software of Unknown Pedigree (sometimes used with humor …) |
SOW | Statement Of Work |
SP | Safety Plan |
SPI | Serial Peripheral Interface |
SPL | Spare Parts List |
SPP | Safety Program Plan |
SPR | Software Planning Review |
SQA | Software Quality Assurance |
SQAP | Software Quality Assurance Plan |
SQAR | Software Quality Assurance Representative |
SRATS | System Requirements Allocated to Software |
SRD | Software Requirements Data |
SRD | Source Requirement Document |
SRMT | Safety Reliability Maintainability Testability |
SRMTP | Safety Reliability Maintainability Testability Plan |
SRR | System Requirement Review |
SRS | Software Requirement Specification |
SRS | Speed Reference System |
SRStd | Software Requirements Standards |
SRU | Shop Replaceable Unit |
SSA | System Safety Assessment |
SSA | Subsystem Safety Assessment |
SSCV/DR | Solid-State Cockpit Voice/Data Recorder |
SSCVR | Solid-State Cockpit Voice Recorder |
SSFDR | Solid-State Flight Data Recorder |
SSM | Sign/Status Matrix |
SSPP | System Safety Program Plan |
SSR | Secondary Surveillance Radar |
SSR | System Specification Review; alternatively: Software Specification Review |
SSS | System Segment Specification |
STAR | Standard Terminal Arrival Route |
STARS | Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System |
STC | Supplemental Type Certificate |
STCA | Short-Term Conflict Alert |
STP | Software Test Protocol |
STP | Standard Temperature And Pressure |
STP | Software Test Procedure |
STR | Software Test Results |
STS | Software Test Specification |
SUA | Special Use Airspace |
SVA | Software Validation Attestation |
SVCP | Software Verification Cases and Procedures |
SVP | Software Verification Plan |
SVR | Software Verification Results |
SW or S/W | Software |
SW-IDD | Software Interface Design Description |
SWCEH | Software and Complex Electronic Hardware |
SYRD | System Requirements Document |
T/R | Thrust Reverser Or Tail Rotor |
T/R | Transmit/Receive |
TA | Traffic Advisory |
TACAN | Tactical Air Navigation System |
Tach | Tachometer |
TAD | Terrain Awareness Display |
TAF | Terminal Area Forecast |
TAS | Tool Accomplishment Summary |
TAS | TRUE Airspeed or Tool Accomplishment Summary |
TAT | TRUE Air Temperature, Or Total Air Temperature |
TAWS | Terrain Awareness and Warning System |
TBD | To Be Defined (or Determined; interchangeable) |
TBO | Time Before Overhaul, Or Time Between Overhaul |
TC | Test Case |
TC | Type Certificate |
TCA | Throttle Control Assembly, Or Terminal Control Area |
TCAD | Traffic Collision Alert Device |
TCAS | Traffic Collision Alert System |
TCAS | Traffic Collision Avoidance System |
TCF | Terrain Clearance Floor |
TCI | Tool Configuration Index |
TCR | Test Completeness Review |
TCU | TACAN Control Unit |
TDOP | Time Dilution Of Precision |
TDR | Transponder |
TEMP | Test and Evaluation Master Plan |
TEP | Test and Evaluation Plan |
TERPS | Terminal En-Route Procedures |
TFR | Temporary Flight Restrictions |
TFT | Thin-Film Transistor |
TGT | Turbine Gas Temperature, Or Target |
THD | Total Harmonic Distortion |
THD+N | Total Harmonic Distortion Plus Noise |
THDG | TRUE Heading |
TIA | Telecommunications Industry Association |
TIS | Traffic Information Service |
TK | Track Angle |
TKE | Track-Angle Error |
TLA | Thrust Lever Angle |
TNC | Threaded Neill-Concelman |
TNC | Threaded Neill–Concelman |
TOD | Top Of Descent Point |
TOR | Tool Operational Requirements |
TQ | Tool Qualification |
TQL | Tool Qualification Level |
TQP | Tool Qualification Plan |
TR or T/R | Transmitter Receiver Or Transceiver |
TRACON | Terminal Radar Approach Control |
TRANS | Transmit, Transmission, Or Transition |
TRK | Track |
TrnP | Training Plan |
TRP | Mode S Transponder |
TRR | Test Readiness Review |
TRX | Transceiver |
TSO | Technical Standard Orders |
TstbR | Testability Report |
TTL | Tuned To Localizer |
TTL | Transistor-Transistor Logic |
TTR | TCAS Ii Transmitter/Receiver |
TTS | Time To Station |
TVE | Total Vertical Error |
TWDL | Two-Way Data Link, Or Terminal Weather Data Link |
TWDR | Terminal Doppler Weather Radar |
TWIP | Terminal Weather Information For Pilots |
TWR | Terminal Weather Radar |
TX | Transmit |
UAM | Urban Air Mobility |
UART | Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter |
UART | Universal Asynchronous Receiver-Transmitter |
UAS | Unmanned Aerial System |
UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicle |
UHF | Ultra High Frequency |
UHF | Ultra-High Frequency |
ULB | Underwater Locator Beacon |
UML | Unified Modified Language |
USAF | United States Air Force |
USB | Universal Serial Bus |
USGS | United States Geological Survey |
UTC | Universal Time Coordinate |
UTRX | UHF Transceiver Module |
UUT | Unit Under Test |
V | Volts Or Voltage |
V/L | VOR/Localizer |
V/NAV | Vertical Navigation |
V/R | Voltage Regulator |
V/REF | Reference Velocity |
V/S | Vertical Speed |
V/TRK | Vertical Track |
V&V | Validation and Verification |
VAR | Variable |
VASI | Visual Approach Slope Indicator |
VASIS | Visual Approach Slope Indicator (System) |
VDB | VHF Data Broadcast |
VDF | VHF Direction Finding |
VDL | VHF Data Link |
VDR | VHF Digital Radio |
VFO | Variable Frequency Oscillator |
VFR | Visual Flight Rules |
VG/DG | Vertical Gyroscope/Directional Gyroscope |
VGA | Video Graphics Array |
VHDL | VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHSIC = Very High Speed Integrated Circuit) |
VHF | Very High Frequency |
VMC | Visual Meteorological Conditions |
VNE | Never Exceed Speed |
VNO | Maximum Structural Cruising Speed |
VNR | VHF Navigation Receiver |
VOR | VHF Omnidirectional Range |
VOR/DME | VOR With Distance Measuring Equipment |
VOR/MB | VOR Marker Beacon |
VORILS | VHF Omnidirectional Range and Instrument Landing System |
VORTAC | VOR And TACAN Combination |
VOX | Voice Transmission |
VPA | Vertical Path Approach |
VPATH | Vertical Path |
VRP | Visual Point Of Reference |
VRX | VHF Receiver Module |
VSG | Vector Signal Generator |
VSI | Vertical Speed Indicator |
VSM | Vertical Separation Limit |
VSO | Stall Speed In Landing Configuration |
VSWR | Voltage Standing Wave Ratio |
VX | Speed For Best Angle Of Climb |
VY | Speed For Best Rate Of Climb |
WAAS | Wide Area Augmentation System |
WBS | Work Breakdown Structure |
WCET | Worst-Case Execution Time |
WD | Wind Direction |
WINDR | Wind Direction |
WMA | WXR Waveguide Adapter |
WMI | WXR Indicator Mount |
WMS | Wide-Area Master Station |
WMSC | Weather Message Switching Center |
WMSCR | Weather Message Switching Center Replacement |
WPT | Waypoint |
WRT | WXR Receiver Transmitter |
WS | Wind Shear |
WX | Weather |
WXR | Weather Radar System |
WYPT | Waypoint |
XADC | Xilinx Analog to Digital Converter |
XCVR | Transceiver |
XFR | Transfer |
XMIT | Transmit |
XMSN | Transmission |
XMTR | Transmitter |
XPDR | Transponder |
XPDR | ATCRBS Transponder |
XTAL | Crystal |
XTK | Crosstrack |
ZSA | Zonal Safety Analysis |
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